Catholic Church

Serving the Parish

Through St. Benedict Parish, you will find many powerful, enriching, and charitable ways to assist in the sacred Liturgy, and humbly live out the Catholic Church’s great Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy. See if there is something below that is the right fit for you!

The Altar Guild

Mission:  The Altar Guild is responsible for the care and maintenance of liturgical linens and vestures that are used during Mass and ensures that an adequate supply of purificators are cleaned and prepared weekly following proper procedure. Provides assistance to the Sacristan and Liturgical Arts ministers as needed.

Contact:  Nancy Flatley:, 843-884-5916


Altar Servers

Mission:  Altar Servers are integral to the liturgy of our parish services. They assist the Priest as he conducts Mass and other services to include holding the Sacramentary as he reads, and helping during the preparation of the gifts for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Contact:  Eva Ullo at   


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Mission:  Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist prayerfully serve our parish community by assisting the celebrant in sharing the Holy Eucharist and Precious blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to the people of St Benedict’s parish.

Contact: The Parish Office at 843-216-0039


Finance Council

Mission: The Finance Council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor. They meet to discuss the finances of the church, create a budget, and manage the staff that does the bookkeeping. The council adheres to the financial rules and regulations set forth by the Diocese and interacts with its finance department.  

If interested in being part of the council, contact Sandy Ferencz at 843-709-9595 for information.


Greeters & Offertory Procession

Mission: Greeters, as single individuals or as a family, provide a warm and spiritual welcome to all persons arriving for our services.  In particular, they pay attention to newcomers who may be seeking information about our parish. The Greeters also represent the congregation in bringing our gifts to the altar during the Offertory Procession.

Contact:  Ed Tooley (temporary):, 843-856-4983




Mission:  To spread hospitality and fellowship through a morning of treats provided by people wanting to share.

Contact:  Dawn O’Connor 843-442-3597



Mission:  Lectors proclaim God's word in our parish liturgies. Lectors proclaim, reflect, and teach the love God and his Son, Jesus Christ, have for all of us as reflected in the Old Testament and New Testament readings at each Mass and for other liturgical services.

Contact:  Ed Tooley:, 843-856-4983


Liturgical Flowers

Ministry Mission:  The Altar Flowers Ministry strives to beautify our Worship space with plants and flower arrangements as a means to Glorify God through beauty. We work with the Liturgical Arts Ministry in this aim.

Contact:  Karen Thesing 

843-224-8568  or  843-216-9750 


Mass Coordinators

Ministry Mission:  Mass coordinators arrive early at each Mass to ensure all preparations for the liturgy and service have been accomplished.  This include preparation of the altar and the credence table, placement of the Book of Gospels and Lectionary in appropriate locations, and ensuring that all required liturgical ministers or substitutes are available prior to the start of Mass.

Contact:  Fred Ostertag:  732-272-6308


Ministers of Care

Mission:  The Ministers of Care seek to minister to the elderly and sick members of the community with dignity and respect, offering compassionate care and encouraging a sense of belonging and connection to the Body of Christ through the Eucharist.

Contact: The Parish Office at 843-216-0039  



Mission: Sacristans provide and put in place all that is necessary for the celebration of Mass in conjunction with the Altar Guild. The Sacristy ministry prepares the weekly setup and support of our community liturgy in accordance with liturgical plans for the season.  They prepare the hosts and wine for the Eucharist and work closely with the Liturgical Arts and Flowers ministries in caring for and maintaining the flowers, plants, and vases.

Contact:  Jan Day or Virginia Falcone  or   843-216-0039



Mission:  To provide spiritual support to the Catholic residents at Somerby of Mount Pleasant.  We are scheduled by the month. We assist residents off and on the bus, who attend the 9:00 Sunday Mass, and help them to their pews.  We are also attentive to any needs they have during Mass.  Secondly, we have a rosary and Communion service every Wednesday at Somerby, and a Mass is held once a month.  The residents also receive the benefits of private Confession, the Sacrament of the Sick, and ashes on Ash Wednesday.

Contact:    Nancy Binko:     843-884-9164



Mission:  Ushers greet, assist, and serve the worshipping community with joy and dependability. They extend a spirit of welcome and facilitate the smooth progress of our celebrations, to include passing around the collection baskets and guiding the faithful to Communion in a reverent and orderly manner. 

Contact:  Sean O'Toole at 843-730-3555