Catholic Church


Music Ministry

“The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.” – Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #112

Leader's Name, Contact Phone Number and Email: Currently we are looking for a new Director of Music Ministry.  If you are interested please contact Fr. Mark Good at
Meeting Times: Rehearsals 7-8:15pm on Wednesdays, 45 minutes before Masses on weekends
Mission Statement: The Music Ministry at St. Benedict Catholic Church seeks to lead the congregation in the singing of hymns and music as an expression of faith and prayer during Mass and other prayer services.
Description of Ministry: The Music Ministry is comprised of three groups: the choir, which sings weekly at Mass, the children's choir, which sings monthly at the 11:30am Youth Mass, and the handbell choir, which performs periodically before and during Mass. As a ministry, our goal is to encourage praise and worship of the Lord during Mass by leading the congregation in the singing of hymns and other songs. While it is recommended that attendance is regular to rehearsals and Masses for the sake of consistency, any time given is greatly appreciated! No prior knowledge of music is necessary in order to join. We are a group of all levels of musical expertise, and every member greatly adds to the music made at Mass each week.