Click Here for the GREP 2023-2024 Registration Form
2022-2023 Class Schedule:
Monday Grades 1-5 4:00-5:15; Grades 1- 5 5:30-6:45; Grades 6-7-8 7:00-8:15
Tuesday Grades 1-5 4:00-5:15; Grades 6-7-8 5:30-6:45
For all questions please contact Louise Henesy, DRE lhenesy@charlestondiocese.org
- All families participating in the Religious Education Program of Saint Benedict Church must be active, registered members of our parish family. An active member attends Mass regularly, supports the financial needs of the parish and participates in ministries of the parish.
- Children who attend public school:These students need to attend graded religious education & follow the parish sacramental policy. Through regular attendance, they will learn their Catholic Faith in a peer to peer environment geared to their age level.
- All children participating in the Religious Education Program must attend class weekly, participate in Parish life through regular Mass attendance and participate in Program service projects.
- Students in Sacrament Preparation Programs must attend class each week, and participate in sacrament review classes.
- First Reconciliation and First Communion -- Children preparing for these sacraments must have two years of active participation in the religious education program. (grades 1-2) .The sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion are celebrated in the 2nd grade.
- Confirmation -- Policies concerning the sacrament of Confirmation can be found on our Confirmation Information page.
- Parents of students preparing for the sacraments are required to attend scheduled workshops during the sacrament year.
- Children who attend Catholic school: They do not need to attend parish classes but, according to Diocesan policy, they will celebrate their sacraments within their parish and therefore must attend specified parish sacramental preparation sessions.
- Children who are home schooled: They are required to follow the same faith education curriculum used throughout the parish. If this same curriculum is used at home, they do not need to attend GREP but, since they will celebrate their sacraments with other children of the parish, they must attend all the specified parish sacramental preparation sessions.
- Children are expected to be on time for Religious Education and to be picked up on time. Tardiness and early dismissal are very disruptive to the teachers and classes.
- All students are required to attend class each week. Three unexcused absences will result in a review of the student’s understanding of materials for the year, this is particularly important in sacrament preparation years. If a student does not have a reasonable grasp of the materials he/she may be required to repeat the year of study.
- Please email the Religious Education Office if your child is going to be absent.
- All students are expected to treat their teachers and classmates with respect and dignity in the Catholic tradition.
- Students are expected to treat the classrooms and materials with respect.
- Any child who misbehaves or cannot conduct themselves in a proper fashion will be sent to the office. Parents will be contacted if the behavior continues.
- Physical and/or verbal abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
Children | Fees |
1 Child | $ 50.00 + $25.00 book fee per child |
2 Children | $100.00 + $25.00 book fee per child |
3+ Children | $150.00 + $25.00 book fee per child |
Sacrament Preparation : $ 35.00 ( First Holy Communion )